I have 5 api calls in a page. some apis take 20 sec to give response. some take 30 sec to give response. some take 10 sec so, when first api gives its response, first api sets l
You can use rxjs forkjoin for the same. Forkjoin waits for all the request is complete and return the response when all the api call complete. Here is the example.
isLoading: boolean;
constructor(private apiCallService: ApiSErvice) {}
ngOnInit() {
this.isLoading = true;
this.apiCallService.multipleApiCallFunction().subscribe(response => {
this.isLoading = false;
import { Observable, forkJoin } from 'rxjs';
multipleApiCallFunction() : Observable{
const api1 = this.http.get('apiurl-1');
const api2 = this.http.get('apiurl-2');
const api3 = this.http.get('apiurl-3');
const api4 = this.http.get('apiurl-4');
return forkJoin([api1, api2, api3, api4]);