I\'m struggling with getting excel to parse through an xml file. I\'ve found a plethora of examples, but none seem to be quite what I am looking for and I can\'t seem to get pas
I think that the final code presented in the question may not always traverse the whole xml document as the xmlChildren variable is overridden during the loop so I think this may just get the first child node and it's first child and so on.
To traverse the whole document you can call a separate procedure and build in a recursive call so that it will follow each of the child nodes but then return back to the list it was called from when done.
Here is a simplified example where I am looking for all instances of a specific xml element, say all carts in an xml doc containing:
shopping cart 1 name here
shopping cart 2 name here
The first procedure below is specific for this example i.e. where the tags are named etc, but the other two can be used generically for any xml document (the first is just an example of how they can be used):
' Chris Prosser 09/07/2014
' example use of getElementList (in this case to get all cart elements)
Sub getCarts()
Dim carts As Collection
Dim i As Integer
Set carts = New Collection
getElementList "C:\Users\Chris\Dropbox\VBAutomation\AutoImportConfig.xml", "cart", carts
For i = 1 To carts.count
Debug.Print carts.Item(i)
End Sub
' Chris Prosser 09/07/2014
' Gets the values of all instances of a specific element from an xml file
Sub getElementList(xml_file_path As String, _
elementName As String, _
elementValuesList As Collection)
Dim xmlDoc As MSXML2.DOMDocument
Dim xmlRoot As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNode
Dim xmlChildren As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNodeList
Dim xmlElement As MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement
Set xmlDoc = New MSXML2.DOMDocument
xmlDoc.async = False
xmlDoc.validateOnParse = False
xmlDoc.Load (xml_file_path)
Set xmlRoot = xmlDoc.documentElement
Set xmlChildren = xmlRoot.childNodes
iterateOverChildNodes xmlChildren, elementName, elementValuesList
End Sub
' Chris Prosser 09/07/2014
' Call with a list of xmlNodes (can be generated from a file using getElementList)
' and an element name to search for. The procedure find child nodes and re-runs
' recursively until all branchs from the list of nodes passed in have been traversed
Sub iterateOverChildNodes(xmlChildren As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNodeList, _
elementName As String, _
elementValuesList As Collection)
Dim xmlElement As MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement
Dim xmlGrandChildren As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNodeList
For Each xmlElement In xmlChildren
If xmlElement.nodeName = elementName Then
'Debug.Print xmlElement.nodeTypedValue
elementValuesList.Add xmlElement.nodeTypedValue
Set xmlGrandChildren = xmlElement.childNodes
iterateOverChildNodes xmlGrandChildren, elementName, elementValuesList
End If
Next xmlElement
End Sub