Is it possible to have more than one dependency resolver in ASP.NET MVC 3 (similar to the case of ModelBinders and Providers)?
There is one scenario that I could think of where having multiple 'containers' or 'resolvers' is useful and that is multi-tenancy. With multi tenancy you run multiple customers (organizations, with their own set of users) in the same web application, and dynamically switch based on the login, request info, or domain info.
Still, DependencyResolver.Current
is -as Darin noted- static, so there's nothing you can (or should do about this). However, you could hide multiple containers behind a single IDependencyResolver
abstraction and return an implementation based on some criteria. It might look like this:
public class MultiTenantDependencyResolver
: IDependencyResolver
Func tenantIdSelector,;
IDictionary tenantResolvers;
public MultiTenantDependencyResolver(
Func tenantIdSelector,
IDictionary tenantResolvers)
this.tenantIdSelector = tenantIdSelector;
this.tenantResolvers= tenantResolvers;
private IDependencyResolver CurrentResolver
get { return this.tenantResolvers[tenantIdSelector()]; }
public object GetService(Type serviceType)
return this.CurrentResolver.GetService(serviceType);
public IEnumerable
The following code snippet shows the usage of this MultiTenantDependencyResolver
var tenantResolvers = new Dictionary
{ Tenants.AbcId, BuildResolver(RegisterForTenantAbc) },
{ Tenants.KlmId, BuildResolver(RegisterForTenantKlm) },
{ Tenants.XyzId, BuildResolver(RegisterForTenantXyz) },
var multiTenantResolver = new MultiTenantResolver(
() => GetTenantIdFromUrl(), tenantResolvers);
private static int GetTenantIdFromUrl()
// TODO: return tenant id
private static IDependencyResolver BuildResolver(
Action tenantSpecificRegistrations)
var kernel = new Kernel();
// TODO: Tenant agnostic registrations. For instance
return new NinjectDependencyResolver(kernel);
private static void RegisterForTenantAbc(IKernel kernel)
// TODO: regisrations for ABC tenant. For instance