I have a directed graph stored in a Map data structure, where the key is the node\'s ID and the [value] is the array of the nodeIds of the nodes which are pointed by the key no
package neo4j
import java.net.URI
import org.apache.spark.graphx.{Edge, EdgeRDD, Graph, Pregel, VertexId, VertexRDD}
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.opencypher.spark.api.CAPSSession
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, Row}
import org.opencypher.okapi.api.graph.GraphName
import org.opencypher.okapi.api.io.conversion.{NodeMapping, RelationshipMapping}
import org.opencypher.spark.api.io.neo4j.{Neo4jConfig, Neo4jPropertyGraphDataSource}
import org.opencypher.spark.api.io.{CAPSNodeTable, CAPSRelationshipTable}
import org.opencypher.spark.impl.io.neo4j.external.Neo4j
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
import scala.util.Random
import scala.util.control.Breaks
object TestV extends App {
//1) Create CAPS session and retrieve Spark session
implicit val session: CAPSSession = CAPSSession.local()
val spark = session.sparkSession
//11) Connect to Neo4j
val boltWriteURI: URI = new URI("bolt://localhost:7687")
val neo4jWriteConfig: Neo4jConfig = new Neo4jConfig(boltWriteURI, "neo4j", Some("123abc"), true)
val neo4jResult: Neo4jPropertyGraphDataSource = new Neo4jPropertyGraphDataSource(neo4jWriteConfig)(session)
val neo4jConnection = Neo4j(neo4jWriteConfig, session.sparkSession)
val neo4jResultName: GraphName = new GraphName("neo4jgraph")
//node : no, name; relation : source, target, amount
val len = 9
var node_seq = collection.mutable.ListBuffer[(Long, String)]()
var relation_seq = collection.mutable.ListBuffer[(Long, Long, Double)]()
for (i <- 0 until len) {
node_seq.+=((i.toLong, s"name$i"))
i match {
case a if a == len - 1 => relation_seq.+=((0.toLong, a.toLong, Random.nextDouble() * len))
case _ => relation_seq = relation_seq.+=((i + 1.toLong, i.toLong, Random.nextDouble() * len))
if (i % 10 == 0) {
//println(node_seq.length + " " + relation_seq.length)
node_seq.+=((9.toLong, "name9"))
node_seq.+=((10.toLong, "name10"))
node_seq.+=((11.toLong, "name11"))
node_seq.+=((12.toLong, "name12"))
relation_seq.+=((0L, 0L, Random.nextDouble() * len))
relation_seq.+=((3L, 3L, Random.nextDouble() * len))
relation_seq.+=((0L, 3L, Random.nextDouble() * len))
relation_seq.+=((0L, 9L, Random.nextDouble() * len))
relation_seq.+=((7L, 10L, Random.nextDouble() * len))
relation_seq.+=((10L, 7L, Random.nextDouble() * len))
relation_seq.+=((7L, 10L, Random.nextDouble() * len))
relation_seq.+=((10L, 7L, Random.nextDouble() * len))
relation_seq.+=((10L, 11L, Random.nextDouble() * len))
relation_seq.+=((11L, 12L, Random.nextDouble() * len))
relation_seq.+=((12L, 10L, Random.nextDouble() * len))
relation_seq.+=((0L, 0L, Random.nextDouble() * len))
relation_seq.+=((3L, 3L, Random.nextDouble() * len))
relation_seq.+=((3L, 0L, Random.nextDouble() * len))
relation_seq.+=((9L, 0L, Random.nextDouble() * len))
relation_seq.+=((10L, 7L, Random.nextDouble() * len))
relation_seq.+=((7L, 10L, Random.nextDouble() * len))
relation_seq.+=((10L, 7L, Random.nextDouble() * len))
relation_seq.+=((7L, 10L, Random.nextDouble() * len))
relation_seq.+=((11L, 10L, Random.nextDouble() * len))
relation_seq.+=((12L, 11L, Random.nextDouble() * len))
relation_seq.+=((10L, 12L, Random.nextDouble() * len))
//3) cache the dataframe
//println("#####" +node_seq.length + " " + relation_seq.length)
val nodesDF: DataFrame = spark.createDataFrame(node_seq).toDF("no", "name").
withColumn("id1", monotonically_increasing_id()).select("id1", "name", "no").cache()
val relsDF: DataFrame = spark.createDataFrame(relation_seq).toDF("source", "target", "amount").
withColumn("id2", monotonically_increasing_id()).select("id2", "source", "target", "amount").cache()
import spark.implicits._
//8) mapping the columns
val node_mapping = NodeMapping.withSourceIdKey("id1").withImpliedLabel("Person").withPropertyKeys("no", "name")
val rel_mapping = RelationshipMapping.withSourceIdKey("id2").withSourceStartNodeKey("source")
//9) create tables
val node_table = CAPSNodeTable(node_mapping, nodesDF)
val rel_table = CAPSRelationshipTable(rel_mapping, relsDF)
//10) Create graph
val graph = session.readFrom(node_table, rel_table)
//12) Store graph in neo4j
neo4jResult.store(neo4jResultName, graph)
val node_result = neo4jConnection.cypher("MATCH (n:Person) RETURN n.no as no, n.name as name").loadNodeRdds
val node_fields: Array[StructField] = Array(new StructField("no", LongType, true), StructField("name", StringType, true))
val nodeSchema = new StructType().add(node_fields(0)).add(node_fields(1))
//session.sparkSession.createDataFrame(node_result, nodeSchema).show(10)
val rel_result = neo4jConnection.rels("MATCH (m:Person)-[r:KNOWS]->(n:Person) RETURN m.no as source, n.no as target, r.amount as amount").loadRelRdd
val rel_fields: Array[StructField] = Array(new StructField("source", LongType, true), StructField("target", LongType, true),
StructField("amount", DoubleType, true))
val relSchema = new StructType().add(rel_fields(0)).add(rel_fields(1)).add(rel_fields(2))
//session.sparkSession.createDataFrame(rel_result, relSchema).show(10)
val edges: EdgeRDD[Double] = EdgeRDD.fromEdges(rel_result.map { case Row(a: Long, b: Long, c: Double) => Edge(a, b, c) })
val vertices: VertexRDD[(Long, String)] = VertexRDD(node_result.map { case Row(a: Long, b: String) => (a, (a, b)) })
val graph_spark = Graph[(Long, String), Double](vertices, edges)
val final_graph_fit_tmp1 = graph_spark.removeSelfEdges().mapVertices((id, attr) =>
(new collection.mutable.HashMap[Long, collection.mutable.ListBuffer[collection.mutable.LinkedHashSet[Long]]]().+=
((id, new collection.mutable.ListBuffer[collection.mutable.LinkedHashSet[Long]]().+=
, new collection.mutable.ListBuffer[collection.mutable.LinkedHashSet[Long]](), 0))
val find_circle = Pregel(final_graph_fit_tmp1, new collection.mutable.HashMap
[Long, collection.mutable.ListBuffer[collection.mutable.LinkedHashSet[Long]]]())(
(id, attr, msg) => {
if (id == 4) {
println(" " + attr._3 + " ")
println("id: " + id + " msg: " + msg + " attr: " + attr)
val ss: collection.mutable.HashMap[Long, collection.mutable.ListBuffer[collection.mutable.LinkedHashSet[Long]]] =
new collection.mutable.HashMap[Long, collection.mutable.ListBuffer[collection.mutable.LinkedHashSet[Long]]]()
for (ss_a <- attr._1) {
val cpy = new collection.mutable.ListBuffer[collection.mutable.LinkedHashSet[Long]]()
for (e <- ss_a._2) {
ss.+=(ss_a._1 -> cpy)
if (msg.contains(ss_a._1)) {
for (s_m <- msg(ss_a._1)) {
for (s_a <- ss_a._2) {
if (attr._3 == 3 && id == 11)
println("order operate: " + s_a + " " + s_m)
if (s_a.-(s_a.head) == s_m.-(s_m.last))
if (attr._3 > 1) {
val set = new collection.mutable.HashSet[Int]()
for (i <- ss(ss_a._1).indices) {
if (ss(ss_a._1)(i) == (s_a)) {
val set2 = ss(ss_a._1).indices.toSet.diff(set)
val listBuf = new collection.mutable.ListBuffer[collection.mutable.LinkedHashSet[Long]]()
for (i <- set2) {
for (key <- msg.keys.toSet.diff(ss.keys.toSet)) {
val cpy = new collection.mutable.ListBuffer[collection.mutable.LinkedHashSet[Long]]()
for (e <- msg(key)) {
ss.+=((key, cpy))
val set_remove: collection.mutable.ListBuffer[(Long, collection.mutable.LinkedHashSet[Long])] =
new collection.mutable.ListBuffer[(Long, collection.mutable.LinkedHashSet[Long])]()
for (s <- ss) {
for (e <- s._2) {
if (attr._3 > 0) {
if (e.isEmpty) {
set_remove.+=((s._1, e))
} else if (attr._3 == 1) {
} else if (e.contains(id) || e.size != attr._3) {
set_remove.+=((s._1, e))
if (e.size == attr._3) {
for (s <- set_remove) {
val set = new collection.mutable.HashSet[Int]()
for (i <- ss(s._1).indices) {
if (ss(s._1)(i) == s._2) {
val set2 = ss(s._1).indices.toSet.diff(set)
val listBuf = new collection.mutable.ListBuffer[collection.mutable.LinkedHashSet[Long]]()
for (i <- set2) {
(ss.filter(s => s._2.nonEmpty), attr._2.filter(s => s.nonEmpty), attr._3 + 1)
trp => if (trp.srcAttr._1.keys.nonEmpty) {
val ss = new collection.mutable.HashMap[Long, collection.mutable.ListBuffer[collection.mutable.LinkedHashSet[Long]]]()
for (s <- trp.srcAttr._1) {
if (ss.contains(trp.srcId)) {
} else {
val cpy = new collection.mutable.ListBuffer[collection.mutable.LinkedHashSet[Long]]()
for (e <- s._2 if e.size - trp.srcAttr._3 < 2 && e.size - trp.srcAttr._3 > -2 && e.size - trp.dstAttr._3 < 2 && e.size - trp.dstAttr._3 > -2) {
if (cpy.nonEmpty)
ss.+=(trp.srcId -> cpy)
if (ss.nonEmpty)
(trp.dstId, ss)
} else Iterator.empty,
(a, b) => {
val ss = new collection.mutable.HashMap[Long, collection.mutable.ListBuffer[collection.mutable.LinkedHashSet[Long]]]()
println(" vertices ")
p**rintln(find_circle.vertices.mapValues(v => v._2.toSet).take(15).mkString("##;\r\n"))
id: 4 msg: Map() attr: (Map(4 -> ListBuffer(Set(4))),ListBuffer(),0)
id: 11 msg: Map() attr: (Map(11 -> ListBuffer(Set(11))),ListBuffer(),0)
id: 0 msg: Map() attr: (Map(0 -> ListBuffer(Set(0))),ListBuffer(),0)
id: 1 msg: Map() attr: (Map(1 -> ListBuffer(Set(1))),ListBuffer(),0)
id: 6 msg: Map() attr: (Map(6 -> ListBuffer(Set(6))),ListBuffer(),0)
id: 3 msg: Map() attr: (Map(3 -> ListBuffer(Set(3))),ListBuffer(),0)
id: 12 msg: Map() attr: (Map(12 -> ListBuffer(Set(12))),ListBuffer(),0)
id: 9 msg: Map() attr: (Map(9 -> ListBuffer(Set(9))),ListBuffer(),0)
id: 7 msg: Map() attr: (Map(7 -> ListBuffer(Set(7))),ListBuffer(),0)
id: 8 msg: Map() attr: (Map(8 -> ListBuffer(Set(8))),ListBuffer(),0)
id: 10 msg: Map() attr: (Map(10 -> ListBuffer(Set(10))),ListBuffer(),0)
id: 5 msg: Map() attr: (Map(5 -> ListBuffer(Set(5))),ListBuffer(),0)
id: 2 msg: Map() attr: (Map(2 -> ListBuffer(Set(2))),ListBuffer(),0)
id: 4 msg: Map(5 -> ListBuffer(Set(5))) attr: (Map(4 -> ListBuffer(Set(4))),ListBuffer(),1)
id: 11 msg: Map(10 -> ListBuffer(Set(10)), 12 -> ListBuffer(Set(12))) attr: (Map(11 -> ListBuffer(Set(11))),ListBuffer(),1)
id: 0 msg: Map(1 -> ListBuffer(Set(1)), 3 -> ListBuffer(Set(3)), 9 -> ListBuffer(Set(9))) attr: (Map(0 -> ListBuffer(Set(0))),ListBuffer(),1)
id: 1 msg: Map(2 -> ListBuffer(Set(2))) attr: (Map(1 -> ListBuffer(Set(1))),ListBuffer(),1)
id: 6 msg: Map(7 -> ListBuffer(Set(7))) attr: (Map(6 -> ListBuffer(Set(6))),ListBuffer(),1)
id: 3 msg: Map(4 -> ListBuffer(Set(4)), 0 -> ListBuffer(Set(0))) attr: (Map(3 -> ListBuffer(Set(3))),ListBuffer(),1)
id: 12 msg: Map(11 -> ListBuffer(Set(11)), 10 -> ListBuffer(Set(10))) attr: (Map(12 -> ListBuffer(Set(12))),ListBuffer(),1)
id: 9 msg: Map(0 -> ListBuffer(Set(0))) attr: (Map(9 -> ListBuffer(Set(9))),ListBuffer(),1)
id: 7 msg: Map(8 -> ListBuffer(Set(8)), 10 -> ListBuffer(Set(10))) attr: (Map(7 -> ListBuffer(Set(7))),ListBuffer(),1)
id: 8 msg: Map(0 -> ListBuffer(Set(0))) attr: (Map(8 -> ListBuffer(Set(8))),ListBuffer(),1)
id: 10 msg: Map(11 -> ListBuffer(Set(11)), 7 -> ListBuffer(Set(7)), 12 -> ListBuffer(Set(12))) attr: (Map(10 -> ListBuffer(Set(10))),ListBuffer(),1)
id: 5 msg: Map(6 -> ListBuffer(Set(6))) attr: (Map(5 -> ListBuffer(Set(5))),ListBuffer(),1)
id: 2 msg: Map(3 -> ListBuffer(Set(3))) attr: (Map(2 -> ListBuffer(Set(2))),ListBuffer(),1)
(4,Set(Set(5, 6, 7, 8, 0, 3, 4), Set(5, 6, 7, 8, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4)))##;
(11,Set(Set(10, 11), Set(12, 11), Set(10, 12, 11)))##;
(0,Set(Set(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 0), Set(3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 0), Set(9, 0), Set(1, 2, 3, 0), Set(3, 0)))##;
(1,Set(Set(2, 3, 0, 1), Set(2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 0, 1)))##;
(6,Set(Set(7, 8, 0, 3, 4, 5, 6), Set(7, 8, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)))##;
(3,Set(Set(0, 3), Set(0, 1, 2, 3), Set(4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 0, 3), Set(4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 0, 1, 2, 3)))##;
(12,Set(Set(11, 12), Set(10, 12), Set(11, 10, 12)))##;
(9,Set(Set(0, 9)))##;
(7,Set(Set(10, 7), Set(8, 0, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7), Set(8, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)))##;
(8,Set(Set(0, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8), Set(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)))##;
(10,Set(Set(11, 10), Set(7, 10), Set(12, 10), Set(11, 12, 10)))##;
(5,Set(Set(6, 7, 8, 0, 3, 4, 5), Set(6, 7, 8, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)))##;
(2,Set(Set(3, 0, 1, 2), Set(3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 0, 1, 2)))
Process finished with exit code 0