I\'m trying to write a function that finds all of the paths to the leaves in a tree. For example, given a tree that looks like this:
/ \\
just a simple function:
listtree :: [a] -> Tree a -> [[a]]
listtree l (Node a []) = [l++[a]]
listtree l (Node a forest) = concatMap (listtree (l++[a])) forest
use a list to record path from root to current node, and append current node's label to the path, then recursively map listtree
to each subnode.
listtree [] (Node 1 [(Node 2 [(Node 3 []), (Node 4 [])]), (Node 5 [(Node 6 [])])]))
yield the desired result [[1,2,3],[1,2,4],[1,5,6]]