I\'m having trouble getting a rotary encoder to work properly with AVR micro controllers. The encoder is a mechanical ALPS encoder, and I\'m using Atmega168.
Adding an analog lowpass filter greatly improves the signal. With the lowpass filter, the code on the AVR was really simple.
| |
| Encoder |
| | |
| | |
100n | O | 100n
GND O-||-+ GND +-||-O GND
| |
\ /
3K3 / \ 3K3
\ /
| |
VCC O-/\/-+ +-\/\-O VCC
15K | | 15K
| |
Ah, the wonders of ASCII art :p
Here is the program on the AVR. Connect A and B to input PORTB on the avr:
#define PIN_A (PINB&1)
#define PIN_B ((PINB>>1)&1)
int main(void){
uint8_t st0 = 0;
uint8_t st1 = 0;
uint8_t dir = 0;
uint8_t temp = 0;
uint8_t counter = 0;
DDRD = 0xFF;
DDRB = 0;
if(dir == 0){
if(PIN_A & (!PIN_B)){
dir = 2;
}else if(PIN_B & (!PIN_A)){
dir = 4;
dir = 0;
}else if(dir == 2){
if(PIN_A & (!PIN_B)){
dir = 2;
}else if((!PIN_A) & (!PIN_B)){
dir = 0;
dir = 0;
}else if(dir == 4){
if(PIN_B & (!PIN_A)){
dir = 4;
}else if((!PIN_A) & (!PIN_B)){
dir = 0;
dir = 0;
}else if(PIN_B & PIN_A){
dir = 0;
PORTD = ~counter;
return 0;
This code works unless you rotate the encoder really fast. Then it might miss a step or two, but that is not important, as the person using the encoder won't know how many steps they have turned it.