When using PropertyEditors with Spring MVC is it bad to have them fetch entities from the database? Should I instead create an empty entity and set its Id.
For instance
I think it is legal. I used this technice for some time, and it worked well.
But Spring 3.0 has a better concept. So called Converter (Reference Chapter 5.5 Spring 3 Type Conversion)
This converters work like one way property editors. But they are Stateless, and because of this more performat, and can be reuesed!
Added: There is an not (yet) documented feature of Spring 3.0.>3: the org.springframework.core.convert.support.IdToEntityConverter
It is automatically registered in the ConversationService by the ConcersationServiceFactory.
This IdToEntityConverter will automatically convert everything (Object) to an Entity, if the entity!! has a static method find
which has one parameter and the return type is of type of the entity.
* Converts an entity identifier to a entity reference by calling a static finder method
* on the target entity type.
* For this converter to match, the finder method must be public, static, have the signature
* find[EntityName]([IdType])
, and return an instance of the desired entity type.
* @author Keith Donald
* @since 3.0
If you have doubt how to implement such a static finder method in your entity. Then have a look at Spring Roo generated entities.