I would like to detect deformable objects (a CAT in my case) , using HAAR- cascades . I ran the test on 2000 positives and 3000 negative images upto 20 stages . I don\'t see any
First off, you haven't listed what you are using to train your haar classifiers. If you are not using opencv_traincascades this is the place to start.
Secondly detecting a cat is a very difficult job, there are a lot of undefiend edges, rotational and spatial variances. using this train of thought, answer these questions to yourself:
I would suggest posting your output into the question from the classifying stages in order for us to get a better view of what is happening. Take a look at these links for more help.
Maybe try with pens, or logos first, follow the openCV tutorials and understand the basics? (sorry if I have assumed you don't know the basics if you do)