Below is the exercise 5 of nodeschool learnyounode module
Create a program that prints a list of files in a given directory, filtered by he extension of the files. You w
Heres what I came up with, if you want other solutions to problem:
var fs = require('fs');
var path = process.argv[2]; //first argument
var extension = process.argv[3]; //second argument
var re = new RegExp("."+extension, "g"); //a regexp that matches every string that begins with a dot and is followed by the extension, i.e. .txt
fs.readdir(path, function callback(err, list){ //read the directory
if (!err) { //if no errors occur run next funtion
list.forEach(function(val) { //take the list and check every value with the statement below
if(re.test(val)) { //if the .test() rexexp-function does not match it will return a false, if it does it will return true
console.log(val); //if it matches console log the value