Below is the exercise 5 of nodeschool learnyounode module
Create a program that prints a list of files in a given directory, filtered by he extension of the files. You w
The solution given uses the path module from Node JS package. The solution below doesn't use path, instead relies on simple deconstruction of given filename and using the parts needed.
-Import fs module
var fs = require('fs');
-Extract the path and ext name required from cmd line
let filePath = process.argv[2];
let extName = process.argv[3];
-Use (readdir) method to read the contents of a directory. The names of files inside the directory will be returned in the form of an array.
fs.readdir(filePath, 'utf-8', function(err, data) {
if (err) throw err;
data.forEach(element => {
-Take each element and split it into filename and extension name
let temp = element.split('.');
let tempSplit = temp[1];
if(tempSplit === extName) {
console.log(temp[0] + '.' + temp[1]);
Whole code for reference:
var fs = require('fs');
let filePath = process.argv[2];
let extName = process.argv[3];
fs.readdir(filePath, 'utf-8', function(err, data) {
if (err) throw err;
data.forEach(element => {
let temp = element.split('.');
let tempSplit = temp[1];
if(tempSplit === extName) {
console.log(temp[0] + '.' + temp[1]);