I am setting up a piece of code to parallel processes some computations for N groups in my data using foreach
I have a computation that involves a call to
The way your code is currently set up won't be the best option. I understand what you are trying to do -- execute a bunch of GBMs in parallel (each on a single core H2O cluster), so you can maximize the CPU usage across the 12 cores on your machine. However, what your code will do is try to run all the GBMs in your foreach
loop in parallel on the same single-core H2O cluster. You can only connect to one H2O cluster at a time from a single R instance, however the foreach loop will create a new R instance.
Unlike most machine learning algos in R, the H2O algos are all multi-core enabled so the training process will already be parallelized at the algorithm level, without the need for a parallel R package like foreach.
You have a few options (#1 or #3 is probably best):
h2o.init(nthreads = -1)
at the top of your script to use all 12 of your cores. Change the foreach()
loop to a regular loop and train each GBM (on a different data partition) sequentially. Although the different GBMs are trained sequentially, each single GBM will be fully parallelized across the H2O cluster. h2o.init(nthreads = -1)
at the top of your script, but keep your foreach()
loop. This should run all your GBMs at once, with each GBM parallelized across all cores. This could overwhelm the H2O cluster a bit (this is not really how H2O is meant to be used) and could be a bit slower than #1, but it's hard to say without knowing the size of your data and the number of partitions of you want to train on. If you are already using 70% of your RAM for a single GBM, then this might not be the best option. foreach
loop, creating a new 1-core H2O cluster at a different port on your machine. See below.Updated R code example which uses the iris dataset and returns the predicted class for iris as a data.frame:
h2o.shutdown(prompt = FALSE)
#setup parallel backend to use 12 processors
cl <- makeCluster(12)
df4 <- foreach(i = seq(20), .combine=rbind) %dopar% {
port <- 54321 + 3*i
print(paste0("http://localhost:", port))
h2o.init(nthreads = 1, max_mem_size = "1G", port = port)
df4 <- data.frame()
data <- as.h2o(iris)
ss <- h2o.splitFrame(data)
gbm <- h2o.gbm(x = 1:4, y = "Species", training_frame = ss[[1]])
df4 <- as.data.frame(h2o.predict(gbm, ss[[2]]))[,1]
In order to judge which option is best, I would try running this on a few data partitions (maybe 10-100) to see which approach seems to scale the best. If your training data is small, it's possible that #3 will be faster than #1, but overall, I'd say #1 is probably the most scalable/stable solution.