Here is my code for the karger min cut algorithm.. To the best of my knowledge the algorithm i have implemented is right. But I don get the answer right. If someone can check wh
As stated by Phil, I had to run my program 100 times. And one more correction in the code was :
for edge in edgelist:
if edge[0] == edge[1]:
This part of the code did not correctly eliminate the self loops. So I had to change the code like :
for i in range((len(edgelist)-1),-1,-1):
if edgelist[i][0] == edgelist[i][1]:
And this line was not needed. since the target node would be automatically changed to self loop and it would be removed.
Then as said earlier, the program was looped for 100 times, and I got the minimum cut by randomization. :)