Login form:
You have to modify the order of your arguments. Put the BindingResult result
parameter always directly after the parameter with the @Valid
@RequestMapping(value = "login", method=RequestMethod.POST)
public String submitloginForm(@Valid loginData logindata, BindingResult result,
SessionStatus state, Model model)
This was even mentioned in this weeks This Week in Spring - March 5th, 2013 blog entry
Someone asked me this the other day and I felt like it was worthy of a mention: in your Spring MVC @Controller class handler methods, make sure that the BindingResult argument is immediately after the model or command argument, like this: @RequestMapping(...) public String handleRequest( @ModelAttribute @Valid YourCustomPojo attempt, BindingResult result). In this example, handleRequest will validate the POJO (YourCustomPojo) - checking the POJO for JSR303-annotations and attempting to apply the constraints because the POJO is annotated with @Valid - and stash any errors in the BindingResult, which it makes available if we ask for it.
Spring will