hello i am trying to transfer files. I have some programs converting files to binary and transferring them over a network with c++. I was wondering if i would be able to transfe
Javascript has two new binary types: typed arrays (arraybuffers) and Blobs (basically files).
WebSockets support sending and receiving typed arrays and blobs.
To transfer data between two browsers using WebSockets you will need a server for them both to connect to (browser WebSocket support is client only at this point).
If you have an existing server in C++ that handles file transport then you should be able to add WebSocket server support to it fairly easily. You can find WebSocket client and server implementations on this page: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_WebSocket_implementations
In JavaScript to establish a connection to a WebSocket server you do something like this:
ws = new WebSocket("ws://");
The send() method support normal strings, typed arrays or blobs. Sending typed arrays and blobs will result in the frame(s) received by the server as binary frames (opcode = 2).
To receive messages you register a message handler:
ws.onmessage = function (evt) {
console.log("Got ws message: " + evt.data);
If the server sends a binary frame/message then the onmessage data property of the event will contain either a typed array or blob depending on the setting of the binaryType attribute. You can change the type of the binary data that is received like this:
ws.binaryType = "blob"; // or "arraybuffer"