An interesting feature in mercurial is the ability to view the changes that will be committed in a vim split (see DiffsInCommitMessageInVIM).
Any hint on how to do so wi
Assuming you've got syntax enabled, Vim detects git commit messages as a filetype. This should be obvious from highlighting. The much less obvious part is that it also has a filetype plugin for git commits (and other git things). Make sure you have those enabled (filetype plugin on
), and then there will be a helpful command defined: DiffGitCached
. Just run that, and it'll toss a diff into a preview window.
A comment next to the definition of that command in the plugin:
Automatically diffing can be done with:
autocmd FileType gitcommit DiffGitCached | wincmd p
The filetype plugins are stored in /vimXX/ftplugin/git*.vim, e.g. /usr/share/vim/vim70/ftplugin/gitcommit.vim
, if you're curious to have a look!