We have been using temporary table to store intermediate results in pl/sql Stored procedure. Could anyone tell if there is a performance difference between doing bulk collect in
Tom Kyte of asktomhome fame has answered this question more firmly. If you are willing to do some searching you can find the question and his response which constains detailed testing results and explanations. He shows plsql cursor vs. plsql bulk collect including affect of periodic commit, vs. sql insert as select.
insert as select wins hands down all the time and the difference on even modest datasets is dramatic.
That said. the comment was made earlier about the complexity of intermediary computations. I can think of three situations where this would be relevant.
1) If computations require going outside of the Oracle database, then clearly a simple insert as select does not do the trick.
2) If the solution requires the use of PLSQL function calls then context switching can potentially kill your query and you may have better results with plsql calling plsql functions. PLSQl was made to call SQL but not the other way around. Thus calling PLSQL from SQL is expensive.
3) If computations make the sql code very difficulty to read then even though it may be slower, a plsql bulk collect solution may be better for these other reasons.
Good luck.