I want to write a not so complicated but large file within my app and be able to send it by mail (using MFMailComposeViewController) Since NSXMLElement and related classes are n
It's a homework exercise in NSString building. Abstractly, create a protocol like:
@protocol XmlExport
Make sure everything you're saving implements it and build the XML with something like the following:
-(NSString*)toXML {
NSMutableString *xmlString;
NSString *returnString;
/* Opening tag */
xmlString = [[NSMutableString alloc] initWithFormat:@"<%@", [self xmlElementName]];
for (NSString *type in [self xmlAttributes]) {
[xmlString appendFormat:@" %@=\"%@\"", type, [[self xmlAttributes] valueForKey:type]];
[xmlString appendString:@">"];
/* Add subelements */
for (id *s in [self xmlSubElements]) {
[xmlString appendString:[s toXML]];
/* Data */
if ([self xmlElementData]) {
[xmlString appendString:[self xmlElementData]];
/* Close it up */
[xmlString appendFormat:@"%@>", [self xmlElementName]];
/* Return immutable, free temp memory */
returnString = [NSString stringWithString:xmlString];
[xmlString release]; xmlString = nil;
return returnString;