I managed to pull the layouts, and i add it to my viewflipper, however, there it is loaded as blank.
The code is,
Resources packageResources;
Context pac
I am currently doing this. It only works if a know the packageName of activity or fragment from the .apk that should provide the layout hierarchy (I call this foreign context). And you need to know the name of the layout you want to inflate (e.g. R.layout.mylayout -> "mylayout")
Context c = createPackageContext(foreignPackageName,
Context.CONTEXT_INCLUDE_CODE|Context.CONTEXT_IGNORE_SECURITY); //create foreign context
int resId = c.getResources.getIdentifier(mylayoutName,"layout",foreignPackageName);
LayoutInflater myInflater = LayoutInflater.from(c); //Inflater for foreign context
View myLayout = myInflater.inflate(resId,null,false); //do not attach to a root view