I am creating an html document by creating various objects with ggplotly()
and htmltools functions like h3()
and html()
. Then I submit th
I ended up generating a temparory image file, then base64 encoding it, within a function I called encodeGraphic()
(borrowing code from LukeA's post):
encodeGraphic <- function(g) {
png(tf1 <- tempfile(fileext = ".png")) # Get an unused filename in the session's temporary directory, and open that file for .png structured output.
print(g) # Output a graphic to the file
dev.off() # Close the file.
txt <- RCurl::base64Encode(readBin(tf1, "raw", file.info(tf1)[1, "size"]), "txt") # Convert the graphic image to a base 64 encoded string.
myImage <- htmltools::HTML(sprintf('', txt)) # Save the image as a markdown-friendly html object.
HTMLOut <- "~/TEST.html" # Say where to save the html file.
g <- ggplot(mtcars, aes(x=gear,y=mpg,group=factor(am),color=factor(am))) + geom_line() # Create some ggplot graph object
hg <- encodeGraphic(g) # run the function that base64 encodes the graph
forHTML <- list(h1("My header"), p("Lead-in text about the graph"), hg)
save_html(forHTML, HTMLOut) # output it to the html file.