I have a question related to PHP. I am .net developer. I usually work on asp.net and c#.I installed Visual Studio and SQL Server in my laptop.Now I am trying to Install Xampp se
Solution 1:
Close the programs running on port 80, it may be one like SKYPE
For Command Line quit
In Windows
for /f "tokens=5" %a in ('netstat -aon ^| find ":80" ^| find "LISTENING"') do taskkill /f /pid %a
In linux just use
sudo fuser -k 80/tcp
Install wamp(win), lamp(linux) or mamp(mac).. Installation would not be failed even your ports are in use.
Solution 2:
After installation launch the program. left click the wamp icon in taskbar tray it will show a menu
=> go to apache => go to httpd.config click it to open..
Find(Ctrl+F) listen:80
and replace it with listen port_number
like listen:88
or listen:96
again click on wamp icon.. click restart all services.
Your apache would be fine