I know that the android browser for 2.3 does not support SVG, but I\'d like to know whether I could convert a d3.js SVG Visualization to a canvas using Canvg on clientside. Is t
Android does support Canvas, so that's certainly a good option (as far as SVG support goes, you are right that Android 2.3 is not compatible).
You can actually use canvas directly in d3; here is a comparison that Mike Bostock made showing the differences between using SVG and Canvas using a simple example:
Canvas Swarm / SVG Swarm
Keep in mind that you're not just limited to SVG or Canvas; for instance, www.nytimes.com/interactive has been seen using d3.js with HTML elements for visualizing (I'm suspecting for better cross-browser support).
See: http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2012/02/13/us/politics/2013-budget-proposal-graphic.html