I have been able to successfully wrap my unmanaged Borland C++ dll, and launch it\'s forms from a C# .NET 4.0 application. Is it possible to embed a form from the dll directly i
Yes, you just need to use some low-level win32 functions from user32.dll : SetParent, GetWindowLog, SetWindowLong , MoveWindow . You can create an empty .NET container control, set the parent of the native window to the .NET control, then (optionally) modify the window style (i.e. to remove borders of native window), and pay attention to resize it together with the .NET control. Note that, at a managed level, the .NET control will be unaware it has any children.
In the .NET control do something like
public void AddNativeChildWindow(IntPtr hWndChild){
//adjust window style of child in case it is a top-level window
int iStyle = GetWindowLong(hWndChild, GWL_STYLE);
iStyle = iStyle & (int)(~(WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW | WS_POPUP));
iStyle = iStyle | WS_CHILD;
SetWindowLong(hWndChild, GWL_STYLE, iStyle);
//let the .NET control be the parent of the native window
SetParent((IntPtr)hWndChild, this.Handle);
// just for fun, send an appropriate message to the .NET control
SendMessage(this.Handle, WM_PARENTNOTIFY, (IntPtr)1, (IntPtr)hWndChild);
Then override the WndProc of the .NET control to make it resize the native form appropriately -- for example to fill the client area.
protected override unsafe void WndProc(ref Message m)
switch (m.Msg)
//... maybe change the border styles , etc
case WM_SIZE:
iWid =(int)( (int)m.LParam & 0xFFFF);
iHei= (int) (m.LParam) >> 16;
if (_childHandle != (IntPtr)0)
MoveWindow(_childHandle, 0, 0, iWid, iHei, true);