I\'m writing a "function" that returns a file\'s size (in B, KB, MB, GB).
The VB.Net code always gets the size in bytes first, so when a file\'s size (in Bytes)
Here is how I do it, below is a VBA function that I use in Microsoft Access that can easily be converted to VB or VBScript, etc.
Public Function FormatFileSize(ByVal lngFileSize As Long) As String
Dim x As Integer: x = 0
Dim Suffix As String: Suffix = ""
Dim Result As Single: Result = lngFileSize
Do Until Int(Result) < 1000
x = x + 1
Result = Result / 1024
Result = Round(Result, 2)
Select Case x
Case 0
Suffix = "Bytes"
Case 1 'KiloBytes
Suffix = "KB"
Case 2 'MegaBytes
Suffix = "MB"
Case 3 'GigaBytes
Suffix = "GB"
Case 4 'TeraBytes
Suffix = "TB"
Case 5 'PetaBytes
Suffix = "PB"
Case 6 'ExaBytes
Suffix = "EB"
Case 7 'ZettaBytes
Suffix = "ZB"
Case 8 'YottaBytes
Suffix = "YB"
Case Else
Suffix = "Too big to compute :)"
End Select
FormatFileSize = Format(Result, "#,##0.00") & " " & Suffix
End Function 'FormatFileSize