I think there is a precision problem with the following code:
bool isPerfectSquare(long long n){
long long squareRootN=(long long)(sqrt(n)+0.5);
The code is fine!
I have taken the time to write a small test. As the input range is limited, we can simply validate the function for every input.
Not that I did have to add an explicit cast to double for the sqrt function for it to compile. (using MS VC++ 10)
bool isPerfectSquare(long long n){
long long squareRootN=(long long)(sqrt((double)n)+0.5);
return squareRootN*squareRootN == n;
int main()
// for the input range,
// generate a set with numbers that are known to be perfect squares.
// all the rest are not.
std::set perfectSquares;
for(long long i = 1ll; i <= 100000ll; ++i) {
std::cout << "Created lookup." << std::endl;
// now test the function for all the numbers in the input range
int progress = -1;
for(long long i = 1ll; i <= 10000000000ll; ++i) {
bool expected = (perfectSquares.count(i) == 1);
bool actual = isPerfectSquare(i);
if(expected != actual) {
std::cout << "Failed for " << i << std::endl;
int newprogress = i / 100000000ll;
if(newprogress != progress) {
progress = newprogress;
std::cout << "Progress " << progress << "%" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Test finished." << std::endl;
Results? Pass for all values! The problem must be in the code that uses the function. Maybe add input range validation to the function.