Instead of this .tt:
<#@ template debug=\"false\" hostspecific=\"true\" language=\"C#\" #>
<#@ import namespace=\"System.IO\" #>
<#@ output extens
Actually you're very close with what you've got there. I find it helps to remember that the template is essentially a C#/VB class under the hood, so when you use a <#+ #> block, you're really just adding a member to the class.
Once you've started using the <#+ #> notation, you have to keep using it, as you're still adding stuff to the class at the member level, not adding the the TransformText() method which regular <# #> tags do.
The correct syntax would be
<#+ public void output() { #>
blah blah blah etc. very complex example with embedded expression like <#=message#>
<#+ }