I want to put the Navigation Bar (has system soft keys like back, home and menu. not Navigation Drawer!) on the (right) side, like below, by editing AOSP.
Navigation Bar can be placed on right side by editing PhoneWindowManager.java and navigation_bar.xml.
Set mNavigationBarOnBottom
to false in PhoneWindowManager then the following code will run.
// PhoneWindowManager.java
// if mNavigationBarOnBottom = false
// Landscape screen; nav bar goes to the right
int left = displayWidth - mNavigationBarWidthForRotation[displayRotation];
mTmpNavigationFrame.set(left, 0, displayWidth, displayHeight);
mStableRight = mStableFullscreenRight = mTmpNavigationFrame.left;
if (navVisible) {
mDockRight = mTmpNavigationFrame.left;
mRestrictedScreenWidth = mDockRight - mDockLeft;
} else {
// We currently want to hide the navigation UI.
if (navVisible && !mNavigationBar.isAnimatingLw()) {
// If the nav bar is currently requested to be visible,
// and not in the process of animating on or off, then
// we can tell the app that it is covered by it.
mSystemRight = mTmpNavigationFrame.left;
This creates the frame for navigation bar on right instead of bottom, now layout needs to be edited to display system buttons vertically(navigation_bar.xml).