I would like to convert a JSON to Pandas dataframe.
My JSON looks like: like:
Nested JSONs are always quite tricky to handle correctly.
A few months ago, I figured out a way to provide an "universal answer" using the beautifully written flatten_json_iterative_solution from here: which unpacks iteratively each level of a given json.
Then one can simply transform it to a Pandas.Series then Pandas.DataFrame like so:
df = pd.Series(flatten_json_iterative_solution(dict(json_))).to_frame().reset_index()
Intermediate Dataframe result
Some data transformation can easily be performed to split the index in the columns names you asked for:
df[["index", "col1", "col2", "col3", "col4"]] = df['index'].apply(lambda x: pd.Series(x.split('_')))
Final result