There is a new concept in Android:
But it isn\'t clear fro me. I have an applicati
Per the blog post that you shared:
Android no longer requires a dedicated Menu button, some devices don’t have one, and you should migrate away from using it.
Set targetSdkVersion to 14, then test your app on Android 4.0.
Add showAsAction="ifRoom" to menu items you’d like to surface in the action bar.
If the ActionBar doesn’t work for your app, you can remove it with Theme.Holo.NoActionBar or Theme.DeviceDefault.NoActionBar.
So, all you really have to do is this:
First, set your SDK min and target version in the AndroidManifest.xml file like this:
Second, add showAsAction="ifRoom" to the menu items in your menu.xml file.
Now run your app in Honeycomb or Ice Cream Sandwich and you should see your menu in the action bar. Your app should still work for the pre Android 3.0 releases.