I am writing some little tools for MS-DOS. Now I\'m writing a Shutdown.com
, like for Windows XP and greater. I have already written the entire code, now I just need
According to this site, the length of the command-line is stored at DS:80h (single byte), and the actual command line itself starts at DS:81h. Here's some example code from that article that prints the command line:
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; echo.asm
; Echoes the command line to standard output. Illustrates DOS system calls
; 40h = write to file, and 4ch = exit process.
; Processor: 386 or later
; Assembler: MASM
; OS: DOS 2.0 or later only
; Assemble and link with "ml echo.asm"
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
.model small
.stack 64 ; 64 byte stack
start: movzx cx,byte ptr ds:[80h] ; size of parameter string
mov ah, 40h ; write
mov bx, 1 ; ... to standard output
mov dx, 81h ; ... the parameter string
int 21h ; ... by calling DOS
mov ah, 4ch
int 21h
end start