I\'m working on an AI for a game and I want to use the MinMax algorithm with the Alpha-Beta pruning.
I have a rough idea on how it works but I\'m still
After some research and a lot of time wasted solving this problem, I came up with this solution that seems to work.
private class MoveValue {
public double returnValue;
public Move returnMove;
public MoveValue() {
returnValue = 0;
public MoveValue(double returnValue) {
this.returnValue = returnValue;
public MoveValue(double returnValue, Move returnMove) {
this.returnValue = returnValue;
this.returnMove = returnMove;
protected MoveValue minMax(double alpha, double beta, int maxDepth, MarbleType player) {
if (!canContinue()) {
return new MoveValue();
ArrayList moves = sortMoves(generateLegalMoves(player));
Iterator movesIterator = moves.iterator();
double value = 0;
boolean isMaximizer = (player.equals(playerType));
if (maxDepth == 0 || board.isGameOver()) {
value = evaluateBoard();
return new MoveValue(value);
MoveValue returnMove;
MoveValue bestMove = null;
if (isMaximizer) {
while (movesIterator.hasNext()) {
Move currentMove = movesIterator.next();
returnMove = minMax(alpha, beta, maxDepth - 1, player.opponent());
if ((bestMove == null) || (bestMove.returnValue < returnMove.returnValue)) {
bestMove = returnMove;
bestMove.returnMove = currentMove;
if (returnMove.returnValue > alpha) {
alpha = returnMove.returnValue;
bestMove = returnMove;
if (beta <= alpha) {
bestMove.returnValue = beta;
bestMove.returnMove = null;
return bestMove; // pruning
return bestMove;
} else {
while (movesIterator.hasNext()) {
Move currentMove = movesIterator.next();
returnMove = minMax(alpha, beta, maxDepth - 1, player.opponent());
if ((bestMove == null) || (bestMove.returnValue > returnMove.returnValue)) {
bestMove = returnMove;
bestMove.returnMove = currentMove;
if (returnMove.returnValue < beta) {
beta = returnMove.returnValue;
bestMove = returnMove;
if (beta <= alpha) {
bestMove.returnValue = alpha;
bestMove.returnMove = null;
return bestMove; // pruning
return bestMove;