I have an AnimationSet with inside a ScaleAnimation and a TranslateAnimation like this:
TranslateAnimation goTopFromRight =
To avoid the ScaleAnimation movement when using the ScaleAnimation and TranslateAnimation, you have to multiply the TranslateAnimation parametres with those from ScaleAnimation like this:
TranslateAnimation goRightFromTop;
ScaleAnimation sizeNotUp;
goRightFromTop = new TranslateAnimation(0,(-( invisibleCenterImageView.getLeft() - imageViewRight.getLeft() ))*(1/0.6667f), 0, (-( invisibleCenterImageView.getTop() - imageViewRight.getTop()))*(1/0.6667f));
sizeNotUp = new ScaleAnimation(1,0.6667f,1,0.6667f,Animation.RELATIVE_TO_SELF, (float)0.5, Animation.RELATIVE_TO_SELF, (float)0.5);
And then, surprise you deleted the ScaleAnimation movement.