I am searching for a method to get my cookies from my chrome browser (default), and use it using requests.
I have ofcourse already searched around, and found for example
I have a good script to read Chrome cookies directly on /Default/Cookies. I think you would work fine.
import sqlite3
import sys
from os import getenv, path
import os
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
from Crypto.Protocol.KDF import PBKDF2
import keyring
def get_cookies(url, cookiesfile):
def chrome_decrypt(encrypted_value, key=None):
dec = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CBC, IV=iv).decrypt(encrypted_value[3:])
decrypted = dec[:-dec[-1]].decode('utf8')
return decrypted
cookies = []
if sys.platform == 'win32':
import win32crypt
conn = sqlite3.connect(cookiesfile)
cursor = conn.cursor()
'SELECT name, value, encrypted_value FROM cookies WHERE host_key == "' + url + '"')
for name, value, encrypted_value in cursor.fetchall():
if value or (encrypted_value[:3] == b'v10'):
cookies.append((name, value))
decrypted_value = win32crypt.CryptUnprotectData(
encrypted_value, None, None, None, 0)[1].decode('utf-8') or 'ERROR'
cookies.append((name, decrypted_value))
elif sys.platform == 'linux':
my_pass = 'peanuts'.encode('utf8')
iterations = 1
key = PBKDF2(my_pass, salt, length, iterations)
conn = sqlite3.connect(cookiesfile)
cursor = conn.cursor()
'SELECT name, value, encrypted_value FROM cookies WHERE host_key == "' + url + '"')
for name, value, encrypted_value in cursor.fetchall():
decrypted_tuple = (name, chrome_decrypt(encrypted_value, key=key))
print('This tool is only supported by linux and Mac')
return cookies
if __name__ == '__main__':
salt = b'saltysalt'
iv = b' ' * 16
length = 16
#get_cookies('YOUR URL FROM THE COOKIES', 'YOUR PATH TO THE "/Default/Cookies" DATA')