Let M be an integer in range [1; 1,000,000,000].
A decomposition of M is a set of unique integers whose sum is equal to M.
A decomposition is odd>
I don't see why people have to make it so complicated. An odd decomposition is like a self-conjugate partition turned on its side and unfolded out, for example, n = 13
4 4 3 2 => => => 7 5 1
x x x x rotate x unfold out x x x x x x x
x x x x clockwise ↖ x x ↗ each side x x x x x
x x x 45 degrees x x x => x
x x x x x x
x x x
The larger an odd decomposition is, the larger the "bounding-square" of the corresponding self-conjugate. By "bounding-square" I mean the top left corner square, which is a constant in all similar-sized odd decompositions. For example, we could have written 13
as the self-conjugate {5,3,3,1,1}
and the 9-cell "bounding square" would remain the same, with corresponding odd decomposition {9,3,1}
5 3 3 1 1 => 9 3 1
x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
x x x x x x
x x x x
To get the odd decomposition with the largest cardinality, find the largest "bounding square" with even remainder.
M = 24
Bounding square | remainder
1 23
4 20
9 15
16 8
25...too large
Place the remainder in any diagonally-symmetric way you like. The simplest way might be
xxxx xxxxxxxx
xxxx => xxxx
xxxx xxxx
xxxx xxxx
Decompose: 15,5,3,1
I think this Haskell code outputs all possibilities:
f m = g [1,3..bestRoot*2 - 1] remainder 0 []
where root = floor (sqrt (fromIntegral m))
bestRoot = head $ dropWhile (\x -> odd (m - x^2)) [root,root - 1..1]
remainder = m - bestRoot^2
g (x:xs) r prev res
| null xs = [reverse ((x + r):res)]
| otherwise = do r' <- takeWhile (<= div remainder bestRoot) [prev,prev + 2..]
g xs (r - r') r' ((x + r'):res)
*Main> f 24
*Main> f 23
*Main> f 38
*Main> f 37
*Main> f 100