I am using ActiveMerchant to give my rails app access to Paypal\'s Express Checkout. I would like to include the Order Details on the Review Page as described here: https://cms.
I also had problems to get this to work. The solution is that the sum of the amount of all items must be the subtotal of the order, where the subtotal, shipping, handling and tax must sum up to the total value of the order. My paypal controller looks like this:
def begin_paypal
# ...
options = express_options(@order)
# ...
response = EXPRESS_GATEWAY.setup_purchase(@order.gross_price_in_cent, options)
redirect_to EXPRESS_GATEWAY.redirect_url_for(response.token)
def express_options order
options = {}
options[:ip] = request.remote_ip
options[:order_id] = order.bearbeitungsnummer
# subtotal, shipping, handling and tax must sum up to the orders total value
# subtotal must be the sum of all amounts of all items
options[:subtotal] = order.gross_price_in_cent
options[:shipping] = 0
options[:handling] = 0
options[:tax] = 0
options[:items] = order.line_items.map do |line_item|
:name => line_item.product.name,
:number => line_item.product.kcode,
:quantity => line_item.quantity,
:description => line_item.product.beschreibung,
:amount => line_item.gross_price_in_cent,
:url => nil
# ...
Works fine