In Excel Ctrl+[ or ] will sometimes directly switch to another sheet to show the precedents or dependents in that sheet.
I want that pro
I found kaidobor's version of Mark Hurd's code exactly what I needed. I wrote a wrapper to document all the dependencies in the selected cells and insert them in a new sheet. My code just calls kaidobor's code and records the results.
My use case: I have a complex spreadsheet (written by someone else) that I need to clean up. I want to delete some sheets that appear unnecessary but want to know where I'll be breaking formulas before deleting the sheets. This will create an index showing all the cells that are referenced in other sheets.
Sub FindDependentsForThisSheet()
' Find all cells in the selection that have dependents on some other sheet
' Calls code by kaidobor
' January 9, 2017
Dim rCurrent As String, strNoDependents As String, strDependents As String, strCurrrentParent As String
Dim aDependents(1000, 4) As String ' Starting sheet, starting cell, referenced sheet, referenced cell
Dim intArrayRows As Long
strNoDependents = "No Dependents" & vbCrLf
strDependents = "Dependents" & vbCrLf
intArrayRows = 0
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
'Step through each cell in the current sheet (for each…)
For Each cell In Selection.Cells
' improvement: step through just the cells that are selected in case I know some are not worth bothering with
rCurrent = ActiveCell.Address
strCurrrentParent = ActiveCell.Parent.Name
'Run GetOffSheetDependents() for each cell
'When GetOffSheetDependents() is done, if the ActiveCell.Address is not changed,
'If (rCurrent = ActiveCell.Address And strCurrrentParent = ActiveCell.Parent.Name) Then ' We do care about links on the current sheet
If (strCurrrentParent = ActiveCell.Parent.Name) Then ' Do not care about links on the current sheet
'then nothing
strNoDependents = strNoDependents & ActiveCell.Parent.Name + " - " + ActiveCell.Address & vbCrLf
' Stuff the array
aDependents(intArrayRows, 0) = strCurrrentParent
aDependents(intArrayRows, 1) = rCurrent
aDependents(intArrayRows, 2) = ActiveCell.Parent.Name
aDependents(intArrayRows, 3) = ActiveCell.Address
intArrayRows = intArrayRows + 1
strDependents = strDependents + strCurrrentParent + "!" + rCurrent + " referenced in " + ActiveCell.Parent.Name + "!" + ActiveCell.Address & vbCrLf
'1 record ActiveCell.Address + parent.
'2 return to home sheet and
'3 record the address of the active cell
End If
If intArrayRows > 999 Then
MsgBox "Too many cells, aborting"
Exit Sub
End If
'Debug.Print strDependents
'Debug.Print strNoDependents
' Store results in a new sheet
If intArrayRows > 0 Then
varReturn = NewSheetandPaste(aDependents)
MsgBox ("Finished looking for dependencies. Created sheet with results. Found this many: " & intArrayRows)
MsgBox ("Finished looking for dependencies, found none.")
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
' ************************************************************************************************
Function NewSheetandPaste(aPasteThis As Variant) '(strSheetName As String)
' Create new sheet and past strDependents
Dim strName As String, strStartSheetName As String, n As Long
'strName = strSheetName + "Dependents"
strStartSheetName = ActiveSheet.Name
strName = strStartSheetName + "Dependents"
Sheets.Add After:=ActiveSheet
ActiveSheet.Name = strName
'Sheets("Sheet4").Name = "Sheet1Dependents"
Range("A1").Value = "Dependents from " + strStartSheetName
'ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "Dependents from Sheet1"
'Range("A2").Value = strPasteThis
Range("A2").Value = "Starting Sheet"
Range("B2").Value = "Starting Sheet Cell"
Range("C2").Value = "Dependent Sheet"
Range("D2").Value = "Dependent Sheet Cell"
intLengthArray = UBound(aPasteThis) - LBound(aPasteThis) + 1
n = 0
'For n = 0 To intLengthArray
While aPasteThis(n, 0) <> ""
ActiveCell.Value = aPasteThis(n, 0)
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select
ActiveCell.Value = aPasteThis(n, 1)
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select
ActiveCell.Value = aPasteThis(n, 2)
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select
ActiveCell.Value = aPasteThis(n, 3)
ActiveCell.Offset(1, -3).Select
n = n + 1
NewSheetandPaste = True
End Function