im trying to make a web app that supports multi-user video chatting. ive read an article about webrtc on \"getting started with webrtc\" (
WebRTC is peer-to-peer protocol(browser-to-browser) without server,So you must know about my browser i must know about your browser means(your browser codec,public ip,port,etc) then only we can able to communicate,so we are using signalling( socket two way communication protocol send some information about my browser ,and receive some information about you browser ,with nodeJS server then peer connection will establish)
Three user communication is also possible in WebRTC using mesh network,see you send some information to me (browser information) at a same time you send this same information to other peer,when i receive some information about your i will send some information about me to you and other peer,the same thing will happen in other peer also.
Here some detail about mesh network