I\'m trying to split this string in PHP: - - [25/Jan/2000:14:00:01 +0100] \"GET /1986.js HTTP/1.1\" 200 932 \"http://domain.com/index.html\" \"Mozill
Here is some Perl, not PHP, but the regex to use is the same. This regex works to parse everything I've seen; clients can send some bizarre requests:
my ($ip, $date, $method, $url, $protocol, $alt_url, $code, $bytes,
$referrer, $ua) = (m/
^(\S+)\s # IP
\S+\s+ # remote logname
(?:\S+\s+)+ # remote user
\[([^]]+)\]\s # date
"(\S*)\s? # method
(?:((?:[^"]*(?:\\")?)*)\s # URL
([^"]*)"\s| # protocol
((?:[^"]*(?:\\")?)*)"\s) # or, possibly URL with no protocol
(\S+)\s # status code
(\S+)\s # bytes
"((?:[^"]*(?:\\")?)*)"\s # referrer
"(.*)"$ # user agent
die "Couldn't match $_" unless $ip;
$alt_url ||= '';
$url ||= $alt_url;