We are going to use Omniture-Tracking for iOS, which is part of AdobeMobileLibrary. AdobeAdobeMobileLibrary is not available via cocoapods-repo (only an older version of Omnitur
The issue is due to cocoapods expecting the library to have a lib prefix, i.e. libAdobeMobileLibrary.a in this case. The easiest way to resolve this issue is to create a symbolic link to the library:
ln -s AdobeMobileLibrary.a libAdobeMobileLibrary.a
It's also worth noting that with the Adobe Mobile SDK, the .json file should be included as a resource not as source. Also you'll want to add references to both the SystemConfiguration framework as well as libSqlite3.0.dylib. Here's your pod spec modified accordingly:
Pod::Spec.new do |s|
s.name = 'AdobeMobileLibrary'
s.version = '4.0.2'
s.license = 'Commercial'
s.summary = 'Adobe Omniture SiteCatalyst analytics library for iOS.'
s.homepage = 'https://developer.omniture.com/en_US/content_page/mobile/c-measuring- mobile-applications'
s.author = { 'Adobe Omniture SiteCatalyst' => 'http://www.adobe.com/solutions/digital-marketing.html' }
s.source_files = 'AdobeMobileLibrary/*.h'
s.resource = 'AdobeMobileLibrary/ADBMobileConfig.json'
s.framework = 'SystemConfiguration'
s.ios.vendored_library = 'AdobeMobileLibrary/AdobeMobileLibrary.a'
s.libraries = 'sqlite3.0','AdobeMobileLibrary'
s.xcconfig = { 'LIBRARY_SEARCH_PATHS' => '"$(PODS_ROOT)/AdobeMobileLibrary"' }