In our Rails 3.2.13 app (Ruby 2.0.0 + Postgres on Heroku), we are often retreiving a large amount of Order data from an API, and then we need to update or create each order in o
Try wrapping your entire code into a single database transaction. Since you're on Heroku it'll be a Postgres bottom-end. With that many update statements, you can probably benefit greatly by transacting them all at once, so your code executes quicker and basically just leaves a "queue" of 6500 statements to run on Postgres side as the server is able to dequeue them. Depending on the bottom end, you might have to transact into smaller chunks - but even transacting 100 at a time (and then close and re-open the transaction) would greatly improve throughput into Pg.
So before line 2 you'd add something like:
def add_details(shop, shopify_orders)
Order.transaction do
shopify_orders.each do |shopify_order|
And then at the very end of your method add another end:
if !payment_details.blank?
PaymentDetail.add_details(order, payment_details)
end //shopify_orders.each..
end //Order.transaction..
end //method