I\'m doing a lot of HTTP requests and I chose HTTP::Async to do the job. I\'ve over 1000 requests to make, and if I simply do the following (see code below), a lot of requests t
If you can't call wait_for_next_response
fast enough because you're in the middle of executing other code, the simplest solution is to make the code interruptable by moving it to a separate thread of execution. But if you're going to start using threads, why use HTTP::Async?
use threads;
use Thread::Queue::Any 1.03;
use constant NUM_WORKERS => 25;
my $req_q = Thread::Queue::Any->new();
my $res_q = Thread::Queue::Any->new();
my @workers;
for (1..NUM_WORKERS) {
push @workers, async {
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
while (my $req = $req_q->dequeue()) {
$res_q->enqueue( $ua->request($req) );
for my $url (@urls) {
$req_q->enqueue( HTTP::Request->new( GET => $url ) );
$req_q->enqueue(undef) for @workers;
for (1..@urls) {
my $res = $res_q->dequeue();
$_->join() for @workers;