How to add new fields for spree::user in Spree-2.1 + Rails4 ?
Like my old customization: ==========================
Spree::User.class_eval do
@gmacdougall is right, however I want to note that if you're doing this in an extension, you may want to do this via a decorator. Your extension would have to define this in an initializer that is installed by the user via a generator, which cannot be maintained.
# lib/spree/permitted_attributes_decorator.rb
Spree::PermittedAttributes.class_eval do
@@user_attributes.push(:f_name, :l_name)
You can add new attributes for many models in the Spree:PermittedAttributes module. Spree controllers obtain these attributes via the methods included by the Spree::Core::ControllerHelpers::StrongParameters module.