I want to find a piece of text in a large xml file and want to replace with some other text. The size of the file is around ( 50GB). I want to do this in command line. I am look
This is my take on it, building on some of the other answers here:
Function ReplaceTextIn-File{
if( -Not $outfile)
$outfile = $infile
$temp_out_file = "$outfile.temp"
Get-Content $infile | Foreach-Object {$_.Replace($find, $replace)} | Set-Content $temp_out_file
if( Test-Path $outfile)
Remove-Item $outfile
Move-Item $temp_out_file $outfile
And called like so:
ReplaceTextIn-File -infile "c:\input.txt" -find 'http://example.com' -replace 'http://another.example.com'