I have to do one project for my thesis involving Artificial intelligence, collaborative filtering and machine learning methods.
I only know PHP/mysq/JS, and there is not
AI is not a language or a specific problem like summation or finding an average of some numbers. It's the intelligence which is going to be developed artificially. And to make a system intelligent especially a computer you can use any language that computer can understand and you are comfortable with (C, Java, Python, C++). A very simple AI example could be tic-tac-toe. This game could be made by using any language you would like to. The important thing is the algorithm that needs to be developed. AI is a vast area and it comprises of many things like Image processing, NLP, Machine learning, Psychology and more. And most importantly one has to be very strong in Mathematics, which is the most important and integral part of softcomputing. So again AI is not a language rather intelligent algorithm based on pure mathematics.