I\'ve created a Xamarin.Forms project with .netstandard 2.0 as PCL project. I\'m trying to consume WCF services in that project. I\'ve added the connected service for WCF servic
Generate an older compatible style of WCF proxy methods via checked "Generate Synchronous Operations" checkbox on Configure WCF Web Service Reference screen:
Consume the web service:
KimlikServiceReference.KPSPublicSoapClient soapClient = new KimlikServiceReference.KPSPublicSoapClient(KimlikServiceReference.KPSPublicSoapClient.EndpointConfiguration.KPSPublicSoap);
//KimlikServiceReference.TCKimlikNoDogrulaResponse response = soapClient.TCKimlikNoDogrulaAsync(TCKimlikNo, Ad, Soyad, DogumYili).Result;
bool result = soapClient.TCKimlikNoDogrula(TCKimlikNo, Ad, Soyad, DogumYili);