If possible I want to create an async-enumerator for tasks launched in parallel. So first to complete is first element of the enumeration, second to finish is second element of
In case you wanna take an async stream (IAsyncEnumerable) and run Select
in parallel so the first to finish is the first to come out:
/// Runs the selectors in parallel and yields in completion order
public static async IAsyncEnumerable SelectParallel(
this IAsyncEnumerable source,
Func> selector)
if (source == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Source is null");
var enumerator = source.GetAsyncEnumerator();
var sourceFinished = false;
var tasks = new HashSet>();
Task sourceMoveTask = null;
Task> pipeCompletionTask = null;
while (!sourceFinished || tasks.Any())
if (sourceMoveTask == null && !sourceFinished)
sourceMoveTask = enumerator.MoveNextAsync().AsTask();
if (pipeCompletionTask == null && tasks.Any())
pipeCompletionTask = Task.WhenAny(tasks);
var coreTasks = new Task[] { pipeCompletionTask, sourceMoveTask }
.Where(t => t != null)
if (!coreTasks.Any())
await Task.WhenAny(coreTasks);
if (sourceMoveTask != null && sourceMoveTask.IsCompleted)
sourceFinished = !sourceMoveTask.Result;
if (!sourceFinished)
catch { }
sourceMoveTask = null;
if (pipeCompletionTask != null && pipeCompletionTask.IsCompleted)
var completedTask = pipeCompletionTask.Result;
if (completedTask.IsCompletedSuccessfully)
yield return completedTask.Result;
pipeCompletionTask = null;
await enumerator.DisposeAsync();
Can be used like the following:
static async Task Main(string[] args)
var source = GetIds();
var strs = source.SelectParallel(Map);
await foreach (var str in strs)
static async IAsyncEnumerable GetIds()
foreach (var i in Enumerable.Range(1, 20))
await Task.Delay(200);
yield return i;
static async Task Map(int id)
await Task.Delay(rnd.Next(1000, 2000));
return $"{id}_{Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId}";
Possible output:
[6:31:03 PM] 1_5
[6:31:03 PM] 2_6
[6:31:04 PM] 3_6
[6:31:04 PM] 6_4
[6:31:04 PM] 5_4
[6:31:04 PM] 4_5
[6:31:05 PM] 8_6
[6:31:05 PM] 7_6
[6:31:05 PM] 11_6
[6:31:05 PM] 10_4
[6:31:05 PM] 9_6
[6:31:06 PM] 14_6
[6:31:06 PM] 12_4
[6:31:06 PM] 13_4
[6:31:06 PM] 15_4
[6:31:07 PM] 17_4
[6:31:07 PM] 20_4
[6:31:07 PM] 16_6
[6:31:07 PM] 18_6
[6:31:08 PM] 19_6