I am running the below yaml script to build docker images and push into kubernetes cluster but at the same time I wanted to enable docker layer caching in the azure DevOps while
Here's how I fixed this. I just pull the latest version of the image from my registry (Azure Container Registry in my case) to the Azure DevOps hosted agent. Then I add --cache-from
to the Docker build arguments pointing to this latest tag which it just downloaded to the local machine/cache.
- task: Docker@2
containerRegistry: '$(ContainerRegistryName)'
command: 'login'
- script: "docker pull $(ACR_ADDRESS)/$(REPOSITORY):latest"
displayName: Pull latest for layer caching
continueOnError: true # for first build, no cache
- task: Docker@2
displayName: build
containerRegistry: '$(ContainerRegistryName)'
repository: '$(REPOSITORY)'
command: 'build'
Dockerfile: './dockerfile '
buildContext: '$(BUILDCONTEXT)'
arguments: '--cache-from=$(ACR_ADDRESS)/$(REPOSITORY):latest'
tags: |
- task: Docker@2
displayName: "push"
command: push
containerRegistry: "$(ContainerRegistryName)"
repository: $(REPOSITORY)
tags: |