I have two sheets in an Excel file and the first one is a cover sheet which I don\'t need to edit. There are a few merged cells in the cover sheet, and when I edit the file usin
I know this is old but I got the same issue and the patch didn't work for me so I found a work around by using the function in the documentation that adds a style for merged cells and then looping on all the merged cells and calling the function on each range
from openpyxl import load_workbook
from openpyxl.styles import Border, Side, PatternFill, Font, GradientFill,
def style_range(ws, cell_range, border=Border(), fill=None, font=None,
Apply styles to a range of cells as if they were a single cell.
:param ws: Excel worksheet instance
:param range: An excel range to style (e.g. A1:F20)
:param border: An openpyxl Border
:param fill: An openpyxl PatternFill or GradientFill
:param font: An openpyxl Font object
top = Border(top=border.top)
left = Border(left=border.left)
right = Border(right=border.right)
bottom = Border(bottom=border.bottom)
first_cell = ws[cell_range.split(":")[0]]
if alignment:
first_cell.alignment = alignment
rows = ws[cell_range]
if font:
first_cell.font = font
for cell in rows[0]:
cell.border = cell.border + top
for cell in rows[-1]:
cell.border = cell.border + bottom
for row in rows:
l = row[0]
r = row[-1]
l.border = l.border + left
r.border = r.border + right
if fill:
for c in row:
c.fill = fill
file = 'file.xlsx'
wb = load_workbook(file)
ws = wb['Table 1']
thin = Side(border_style="thin", color="000000")
border = Border(top=thin, left=thin, right=thin, bottom=thin)
for range in ws.merged_cells.ranges:
style_range(ws, str(range), border=border)