By default sqlplus truncates column names to the length of the underlying data type. Many of the column names in our database are prefixed by the table name, and therefore look
I don't think sqlplus offers the functionality you are requesting. You might be able to automate the formatting, using some sort of scripting language such as Perl or Python. In other words, query the ALL_TAB_COLS
view for the schema and table, and then create the script dynamically with a format column attribute. This will only work, of course, if you have permission to query the ALL_TAB_COLS view (or some other equivalent).
This is a quick proof-of-concept I threw together:
import sys
import cx_Oracle
response=raw_input("Enter schema.table_name: ")
(schema, table) = response.split('.')
schema = schema.upper()
table = table.upper()
sqlstr = """select column_name,
from all_tab_cols
where owner = '%s'
and table_name = '%s'""" % ( schema, table )
## open a connection to databases...
oracle = cx_Oracle.Connection( oracleLogin )
oracle_cursor = oracle.cursor()
except cx_Oracle.DatabaseError, exc:
print "Cannot connect to Oracle database as", oracleLogin
print "Oracle Error %d: %s" % ( exc.args[0].code, exc.args[0].message )
oracle_cursor.execute( sqlstr )
# fetch resultset from cursor
for column_name, data_type, data_length in oracle_cursor.fetchmany(256):
data_length = data_length + 0
if data_length < len(column_name):
if data_type == "CHAR" or data_type == "VARCHAR2":
print "column %s format a%d" % ( column_name.upper(), len(column_name) )
print "-- Handle %s, %s, %d" % (column_name, data_type, data_length)
except cx_Oracle.DatabaseError, e:
print "[Oracle Error %d: %s]: %s" % (e.args[0].code, e.args[0].message, sqlstr)
except cx_Oracle.DatabaseError, exc:
print "Warning: Oracle Error %d: %s" % ( exc.args[0].code, exc.args[0].message )
print "select *"
print "from %s.%s" % ( schema, table )