I am looking to do it with Python. And I don\'t want to just print it in reverse, but actually reverse the given nodes. I have seen it done in other languages but had trouble fi
After seeking to thoroughly understand how to reverse a linked list in python using both iterative and recursive methods, and working on an adequate refactoring, I coded this. Many links that I studied seemed slightly unclear or had unnecessary steps. If I have not arrived at the bare minimum / clear steps, I think these are at least close. I felt it best to not include the output, but it will run as is and produce output (python 2.7 and easy to modify for 3.x).
class Node:
def __init__(self,val):
self.val = val
self.next = None # the pointer initially points to nothing
def traverse(self):
# start from the head node
node = self
while node != None:
# access the node value
out_string = 'val = %d, loc = %s, next = %s'
print out_string % (node.val, node, node.next)
# move on to the next node
node = node.next
def reverse_iteratively(self):
previous = None
current = None
head = self
while head:
# before reverse
previous = current
current = head
head = head.next
# reverse the link
current.next = previous
def reverse_recursively(self, node, pre=None):
if node.next != None:
self.reverse_recursively(node.next, pre=node)
node.next = pre
### Operation Section
node0 = Node(0)
node1 = Node(7); node0.next = node1
node2 = Node(14); node1.next = node2
node3 = Node(21); node2.next = node3
node4 = Node(28); node3.next = node4
node5 = Node(35); node4.next = node5
node6 = Node(42); node5.next = node6
node7 = Node(49); node6.next = node7
node8 = Node(56); node7.next = node8
node9 = Node(63); node8.next = node9
print "Forward linked:"
print "Reverse linked:"