I have set up a git repo on my amazon ec2 ubuntu server instance. I have been trying to push the code onto the server\'s repo from my local machine. The steps that I followed ar
The complete procedure being:
Add the EC2 public key to your ssh list with the following command
ssh-add /path/to/myEC2publickey
Create a git repository on the EC2 instance with the following commands
mkdir /path/my_project.git
cd /path/my_project.git
git init --bare
Connect the local files on your system to your repository with the commands
cd the_project
git init
git add .
git commit -m "Initial git commit message"
git remote add origin username@hostname.com:the_project.git
git config --global remote.origin.receivepack "git receive-pack"
git push origin master
Create a public key as the user and add it to the server's authorized keys
You can do this step by just copying the file id_rsa.pub from the localhost to the servers ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file, as suggested in the previous answer.
After following these steps if you try the git push, you should not get a "permission denied" error.